Tuesday, September 30, 2008

FM give away 1000 Soundcloud invites

Future Music Mag are giving away 1000 soundcloud invites, get them here.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Free plugins from Audio Damage

Rough Rider is a free vintage compressor, and FuzzPlus is a free vintage fuzz pedal.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Free Drums for Abelton's Operator

Designer Drums has been out a while, you can listen to samples, or just download it as it's 2MB.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Wired has a small write ip about JamStudio which allows you to make music online and save it to play back later.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wind Instrument

Found via TINAL, Damian Stewart has created a wind instrument with cameras monitoring grass movement and then running it through Pure Data to create music. It sounds amazing.

Darkware now freeware

I found this via ThisIsNotALabel, Darkware Studio is now freeware.

Audiotuts & AudioJungle

As the name suggests Audiotuts is a series of tutorials designed to help with your audio. There are tuts on mixing and mastering as well as lists such as 11 Totally Free VST Synthesizers That Sound Great.

AudioJungle is a similar site, but instead of tutorials it has articles meant to help you out with your music, and also answer questions you may have asked yourself, like what is the role of an egineer. Check out their list of apps and sites to train your ears, and also 8 Free, Cross-Platform Apps for Musicians, these are bound to be useful. They're also giving away an Mbox 2 Pro at the momment too.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Free Classic Drum Machine Samples

KB6 has over 100 classic drum machine samples for download. They're having some bandwidth troubles so they're not all free now really.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Virtual MIDI keyboards

Tanager Audio Works have a nifty little product called Chirp (above) which lets you run a Virtual MIDI keyboard in any program, which would be handy for use in Reason. It's $39.99 but there are free alternatives too...

like this one (above),

and this one (above), and these too.